Psalm 25: Love & Safety (Lent 1)

Today we reflect on themes of love and safety (the two core emotions according to Restoration Therapy) in Psalm 25. 

Here is the translation of the Psalm read at the end of the sermon (translation by Matt Rundio):


Psalm 25:1-2, 4-7, 16, 19, 20 

I lift my heart to the Lord! 

My God, I trust in you. 

   Please don’t let me be shamed. 

   Don’t let enemies triumph over me. 

Show me your ways, O Lord. 

   Teach me your ways. 

Guide me in your truth, and teach me, 

   for you are the God of my salvation, 

   I wait in hope for you all day long. 

Lord, remember your tender mercies and your loving kindness, 

   for they are ever enduring. 

Don’t remember the mistakes of my youth nor my willful sins

   but remember me according to your loving kindness, 

   for you are good, O Lord. 

Pay attention to me, and have mercy on me, 

   for I am lonesome and suffering. 

Consider my enemies, for they are many. 

   They hate me with cruel hatred. 

Please guard my life, and rescue me. 

   Keep me from disappointment, for you are my safe place.