Sermon for Pentecost 2022 John 14:8 “Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father; that will be enough for us.” 9 Jesus replied, “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been…
Sermons & News
What do We do Now?
What do we do in response to the ascension? What does Jesus mean when he tells the disciples to preach a message of a changed heart and life? This sermon from Luke…
Something to Prove
We hear Jesus say “Whoever loves me will keep my word,” and we have long misunderstood what Jesus means. We think we need to prove that we love God, but that is…
Love can be Learned
Jesus’ one and only command is to love each other – but what does this mean? This sermon from John 13:31-35 considers what it means to learn to love as Christ loves…
Look for the Boats
The Easter Season invites us to reflect on two questions: What kind of Messiah do we want Jesus to be? And what kind of Messiah IS Jesus? This sermon from John 10:22-30…
What Comes Next?
We have heard the good news of resurrection, but now what? What comes next? This sermon from John 21:1-19 considers these questions and the way God works in and through the ordinary…
Resurrection, Hope, and Imagination
We are often so caught up in the things we think we should hope for (like success and power and status) that we ail to realize the way God is at work.…
Remembering Resurrection
It Certainly feels as if death has the final word – but Easter tells us it is resurrection that has the final word. This sermon from Luke 24:1-12 tells the story of…
Palm Sunday’s Warning
Palm Sunday is a day of celebration in the midst of Lent – but it also serves as a warning to us. It warns us just how quickly we can (and do)…
The Uneven Odds
In light of our circumstances, it is easy to be irritated with Psalm 126. It might be hard to believe that God can, will, or even wants to change your circumstances for…