Let us begin with a fantastic thought about story and heritage
When we are called upon to say who we are, we begin, if we are wise, by telling our story. When we are asked what we stand for, we begin by describing the heritage that has formed us. We tell our story not to boast, though sometimes it makes us proud, nor to reject it, though sometimes it causes us shame. We tell of our heritage because it is ours.
—Delwin Brown in Transforming Christian Theology by Philip Clayton, p 81
Our Story
Scottsdale Nazarene began in a small two-room farmhouse (that was on the property we still occupy) in April of 1958. On October 5th of that year, the organizational service was officiated by District Superintendent M. L. Mann and our first pastor, Rev. Wayne Young.
In 1959 the North wing of our facility was built (currently the offices and café – the room just north of the Sanctuary). The first gathering in our sanctuary occurred on Easter Sunday, 1959. The fellowship hall was added in the 70s and the kitchen soon after.
Our Pastors, Past & Present
Here is a list of the pastors who have served here:
- Rev. Wayne Young – 1958 to 1963
- Rev. Samuel Childress – 1963 to 1966
- Rev. Myron Morfford – 1966 to 1971
- Rev. Ron Lush – 1971 to 1977
- Rev. Jack Hawthorne – 1977 to 1983
- Rev. Loren Madsen – 1983 to 1984
- Rev. Thomas Mixon – 1985 to 1992
- Rev. Eddie West – 1992 to 1994
- Rev. Ron Sands – 1995 to 2004
- Rev. Brian Welch – 2005 to 2011
- Rev. Dr. Matt Rundio – July 3, 2011 to July 4, 2021
(Beginning July 5, 2021, Pastor Matt’s role shifted to co-Pastor) - Rev. Mary Beth Boesch – Our current (co) Lead Pastor.
Her first day in this role was July 5, 2021